Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Call for Abstracts: Seventh Annual Media Research Conference - 2016 - Kathmandu, Nepal

Media Research Conferences hope to augment critical and interdisciplinary discussions on various aspects of Nepali media. The sixth edition was jointly organized by Martin Chautari and Department of Languages and Mass Communication, Kathmandu University. Diffusion of new technologies has always been linked with development and considered instrumental for a global partnership. The seventh edition focuses on broadband Internet as one such technology for South Asia. The conference is an opportunity for researchers to come together and discuss the key issues we are facing today and provoke discussions, on the following theme.

The broadband Internet is at the core of several national digital initiatives in South Asia. The ambitious 'Digital India' programme, and the recent vision document for 'Digital Nepal', places the broadband Internet as a key to the social transformation with overarching growth and equality. There is, however, a need to assess these programmes in the light of ground realities of varied access and applications, uncertain future technologies and markets, unsatisfactory modes of governance. These factors will shape policy, regulatory and technology regime in the emerging economies of South Asia.We call for abstract of original research papers, case-studies, comparative analysis and review papers from academia, research and industry on the following topics, including but not limited to:

  • Digital divide and digital literacy
  • Digital economy
  • Media and digital literacy
  • Universal access
  • Universal service frameworks
  • Perspectives on ubiquitous Internet
  • Telecommunication infrastructure, partnership and regulation
  • Mobile broadband adoption and diffusion
  • National broadband policies
  • Spectrum management
  • Public-private partnerships in the broadband infrastructure

  • Competition and regulation in the broadband environment
  • Regulations for affordable pricing
  • Barriers to reform
  • National and international cyber security policies
  • State and Internet governance
  • Net neutrality
  • Political economy of institutions
  • Broadband for inclusive development
  • ICT in agriculture, health and education
  • Socio-economic impact of mobile broadband

Important Dates

September 2, 2015
Call for abstracts
November 20, 2015
Abstract submission deadline
November 30, 2015
Announcement of accepted submissions
February 14, 2016
Deadline for paper submission
February 25, 2016
Announcement of accepted papers
March 20, 2016
Conference opens

Limited funding support is available to cover travel and accommodation of the participants.
Abstract guidelines
  • Abstract can be in English or Nepali and should not contain more than 500 words.
  • The title of the proposed paper, a short description of the research base, and paper's main arguments/findings must be clearly stated.
  • A one-page short biography of the authors including their current contact details should follow in the abstract.
  • Document can be sent in Microsoft Word or PDF format only.
  • The receipt of your abstract submission will be acknowledged by an e-mail.
Abstract and queries should be sent to ucnepalconference@gmail.com or by post to
Martin Chautari
P.O. Box 13470
27 Jeetjung Marg, Thapathali
Kathmandu, Nepal
Phone: (+977 1) 4102027/4238050/4240243

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